Older adults who struggle to afford housing spend 62 percent less on health care, often forgoing healthy food or delaying buying medication, which impacts their health.

Aging in Place supports seniors by allowing them to continue to live with dignity and independence by making upgrades that improve the quality of life and energy efficiency while reducing out-of-pocket energy costs.

Upgrades could include, but are not limited to:

  • installing ramps and handrails
  • widening doorways
  • modifying bathrooms and showers
  • adding efficient boilers
  • switching to energy-efficient lighting and appliances
  • tightening home envelopes with improved insulation, windows, and siding

Future Work Scope:

Potential secondary services. Funding dependent.

  • Provide repairs to tighten the envelope of the home, and possible new HVAC and boilers
  • Home entry ramps and interior stair lifts
  • Bathroom/kitchen re-model
  • Items needing repair to create a safe, habitable environment
Seniors 85-years and older are the fastest growing population in Westchester County.



Aging in Place is seeking clients, partners and funders.
For more information, contact us at aginginplace@habitatnycwc.org or call 914.240.7003.

Thank you to our Aging in Place program sponsors.