In 2020, we expanded our mission beyond the five boroughs to Westchester County.

New York City and Westchester are intrinsically linked – by communities, by commuter rail lines, and unfortunately, by a worsening housing crisis. In early 2021, we undertook a virtual Listening Tour to gather input from housing professionals and families across Westchester, learning about existing housing challenges, and how we can best help low- to moderate-income residents achieve housing stability and equity.


The Need for Affordable Housing in Westchester

Westchester is one of the wealthiest counties in the United States. But this wealth is not equally shared from city to city, village to village, family to family, or home to home.
In Westchester County…

families are housing cost burdened

families live in substandard housing

families are severely overcrowded

$650,000 Median valued home 

$89,968Median household income

affordable housing units are needed

annual tax bill of median valued home

annual income needed to afford a median priced home

number of Westchester municipalities where the hourly wage worker can afford a two-bedroom apartment

All statistics from the Westchester Housing Needs Assessment