Ida Homeowner Repair and Reimbursement Program

Did your home sustain damage caused by Hurricane Ida in 2021?

In partnership with New York State Homes and Community Renewal, Habitat for Humanity New York City and Westchester County launched the Ida Homeowner Repair and Reimbursement Program (IHRR).
Grants are available to assist Westchester County homeowners whose homes sustained damage as a direct result of Hurricane Ida in 2021. The funds can be utilized to repair remaining damage (up to $400,000), as well as reimbursement for the cost of repairs paid for and completed prior to IHRR application (up to $30,000) and mitigation measures to prevent future water damage (up to $20,000).
*Application deadline has been extended to March 15, 2025.*

IHRR Ida 2024

Requirements: Applicant’s primary residence must be in Westchester County and must adhere to the income limits below.
Household Size

Maximum Annual Income Westchester County

$87,500 $99,950 $112,500 $124,950 $134,950 $144,950

Have questions? Need help? 

Please contact Marnie Henricksson at or call 646-779-8893.