Statement from Karen Haycox, CEO, Habitat for Humanity New York City and Westchester County regarding Haven Green and the recent lower court decision.
While Habitat is not a party to the recent lower court decision concerning Haven Green, we are closely analyzing the impact of this decision and considering next steps. Most significantly, we are disappointed that this decision further delays the realization of the vision of Haven Green as providing both LGBTQ-friendly affordable homes for low-income and formerly homeless seniors and, open and reliably accessible community green space in a city that badly needs both.
Based on input gleaned from our public participatory design process and in alignment with our mission to build and preserve affordable housing in NYC, we were tremendously proud when in January 2022 we announced an innovative deal that nearly doubled to 16,000 square feet the publicly accessible green space planned for Haven Green and also preserved a neighboring affordable rental building.
Community engagement has always been at the heart of our work. We will always seek to listen and to elevate the voices of vulnerable and marginalized communities that can be eliminated from highly charged public discourse. We remain committed to creating affordable housing and building a more equitable NYC.