Building on Faith: Build with Habitat NYC and Thrivent Financial

A home is where families grow, memories are made, and possibilities arise. But sadly, not everyone has a safe, healthy place to call home. Instead, many are struggling to get by, forced to live in substandard housing. We believe everyone deserves decent, affordable housing. That’s why Habitat for Humanity New York City and Thrivent Financial are partnering together to activate Churches, communities, and Thrivent Financial members to make a difference.
This year, we are joining together through a Faith Build – calling on Churches to join Thrivent Financial and Habitat NYC to raise awareness on the housing crisis of the city, to raise funds through a Generosity Challenge Match for this construction project, and to share their time and talents through various volunteer opportunities.
With our communities, who put God’s love into action by pooling their power and passion, our partnership helps both those giving and those receiving on their journey to a more content, confident and fulfilling life.

How it works: Thrivent Financial's Generosity Challenge Match

Thrivent Financial contributes up to 50% of the funding for each home built through a Generosity Challenge Match—and Habitat NYC has been awarded $225,000. Churches involved in the program are challenged to raise the other 50% of the home cost through fundraising, gifting, and other activities they choose—with your help, we will raise the matching $225,000 for this special project.

Once a home is complete, it’s not just given away for free. Instead, Habitat NYC sells it to the family through an affordable mortgage. Then, the homeowner’s monthly mortgage payments, which they make directly to Habitat, are used to help build even more Habitat homes.

How you and your Church can help

Through your Church you can lend your time and generosity to positively impact the lives of your entire community. 

Participate in the Thrivent Financial Generosity Challenge

All money raised by a Church or a member of a Church will be matched by Thrivent Financial up to $225,000. The match applies to donations both of cash or in-kind, tied to the home construction program.

  • Church sponsorship of the Thrivent Financial Build project
  • Dedicated special offerings
  • Donations from individuals who are members of a Church
  • Proceeds from Church Events, such as Christmas Fairs, Gingerbread Builds and Birdhouse Builds

Get started


By volunteering, you become part of a movement to help make decent, affordable housing a possibility for more families. We will have special Thrivent Financial volunteer days throughout the Spring, Summer, and Fall – join the mailing list for these opportunities by emailing us. You don’t need any previous construction experience to volunteer for a project and all building supplies are provided on-site.

Volunteer with us

Become an ambassador of this project

There are many ways to support this ministry that do not involve money or volunteering on the home construction site.

  • Raise Habitat NYC Thrivent Financial Build up in your daily prayers.
  • Provide hospitality services on a Build Day (water, snacks, lunch).
  • Spread the word to your fellow congregants and clergy that Habitat NYC and Thrivent Financial have a Faith Build in southeast Queens.
  • Participate in our Pastors’ Luncheon in the Spring.
  • Share, Like, and Tag us on social media.

Contact us

Ready to take action?

Contact us to find out how your funds can be matched, or to get involved.

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